Bladder leakage series – Part four

A P P L I E D  F O R C E S
Part four of the bladder leakage series – Why you may be leaking.

You are applying forces from above which are unable to be supported by your pelvic floor from below.

The forces you are applying to your body have to be supported by the forces from below. Your pelvic floor not only acts as a shock absorber for impact but it is also a support structure for steady forces that you are applying in your daily activities. 

Exercise and weight lifting is an obvious one, yes.

Carrying your child around is too. 

Just being upright, especially when overweight, is also a force from above that needs the support of the pelvic floor. Because, ya know…. gravity and all that!

And every muscle has a ceiling point. When it reaches that ceiling point it WILL fatigue and weaken under the pressure providing a lackluster performance of its function.

Usually, this highlights an underlying issue that needs to be addressed and rehabilitated by following a structured and well thought out program. You can also use support garments and pessaries to assist with the support of the pelvic floor. In some cases, surgery may be recommended.